Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sore today!

...which I honestly did not expect. I need to do swings more often, or more specifically, lots of swings more often. My quads, lower back, even my neck! were all sore today. Or perhaps I should say yesterday as it's after midnight.

I just finished 3 sets of 20 long cycles (clean and jerk) each hand, going straight from 1st hand to 2nd, then resting (kinda long). ~4min per set. I need to get chalk. Now I can't even find my little resin bag. I carelessly tosses it aside at the beginning of my last set, and now I can't find it. I was going to do snatches, but as soon as I started, I realized my hands would get too torn up.

P.S. Anyone out there know how to use Davinci for semiconductor modeling? I was at school till 11 tonight trying to figure it out.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

not doing homework...

Monday I went to the gym again to use the elliptical. It was almost 9pm by the time I started. The gym was nearly empty, which I really liked. I had my pick of ellipticals. I went back to the LifeFitness ones; they seem to have a more running-like stride, at least for me. I did about 2.3 miles, 30 min: W5, R12, W3, R5, W5. Then I did some arm/shoulder weights etc.

Today I came home from school "early" b/c I was hungry (those McD Southwest chicken salads are good but don't last very long), so I didn't get to the gym. I was hoping to go walking but all of a sudden it was time to get the kids bathed and to bed. When you get home at 6:30, and bedtime's 8, well...
I did do some KBs this morning. I borrrowed from Diana's post yesterday and did swings for about 20 minutes till my computer did an auto restart and diskcheck on me. By then it was time to get ready for school anyway. I really need to get some chalk. I asked DH to look for some when I was out and about 1 day, but all he could find was resin and picked up a little resin bag. But now I know what to get. I'll have to add it to DH's wishlist on Amazon so he can buy it next time he orders something. :~)  ...or maybe I'll do it of these days.  I did do some walking this evening, very slow walking, with the 2yo and 5yo past the mailbox and back.

3x10 swings: 2 handed; 1 handed (ea); transfers; 1 handed. Started feeling pain at the top inside of my forearms, technique? or just muscle use?
Walk-to-Run-elliptical version--6 'sessions' left and 2 weeks more before I can start running again. allmmoossttt tthheerrreeeee.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Friday's W2R

I tried out a different elliptical: the Star Trac with the floating pedals. It felt quite different with shorter strides. It seemed like more of my weight went straight down, like running on toes more. It was also slower for me, though it felt as fast--probably because of the shorter stride.  I went barely 1.5 miles in 30 min. I did like that it gave more of a workout summary than the LifeFitness or whatever they are. I usually just get time, distance, and calories burned. The Star Trac also gave my avg HR, even though I wasn't wearing a HRM or holding the sensors the whole time. I would like to get a new HRM (lost mine at the gym last year). DH says he'll get me one for my birthday. I need to take a little notebook or something to write down the stats as I usually forget the details by the time I go to log my workouts. HRavg ~153, max ~172. speeds ~3-5mph Oh and my right foot didn't get that numb spot like it always does on the other elliptical, though my left foot started to get a numb spot. Not nearly as bad as the other, though.

M's back from her cruise, so Tri training will soon kick in to gear. Yay, I could use some variety and company!

Monday, April 19, 2010


I had a follow-up appt with the phys therapist last week and had to confess to not following the W2R program he gave me, not following as in not doing. He gave me another copy of it and pleaded with me to finish it this time. I said I would. When I looked at it again, I realized I was farther ahead than I'd thought, because I'd skipped the first couple of workouts (walk 1 min, run 1 min). My husband started Family Fit Time where we all go for a walk in the evening, so for a couple of the workouts I slow/fast walked instead of "walking" and "running" on the elliptical.

Today I had a follow-up with the orthopaedist and more x-rays. Yay, the bone's mending as it should, but I still have another month of not running. And still using the bone stimulator. Around the time I wrap up the W2R elliptical program I can start over on it only actually walking and running.  Slow, slow, slow. So today I went to the gym and did 8:1 min fast (~6mph) to slow (~3.5mph) for 27 minutes, abt 2.7 miles according to the machine.

Friday I had a fitness test. For the cardio part I did a 3-mi walk and did it in 43:27min! WooHoo! Twice, at the same part of the track, the wind blew grit into my eye; not cool!

OK, so now I need to work on going to sleep at a more reasonable hour than 11:30. I need my 8 hrs!

Monday, April 12, 2010


Last Tuesday went swimming. Was supposed to meet C at the pool but she forgot and overslept. But I didn't know that until much later, so I swam by myself: 100s each crawl, backstroke, sidestroke, kicks (actually 2x50 that).

Friday: Had a physical therapy follow-up. Had to admit to not getting past week 1 of the "walk" to "run" program, AND had to get another copy of it b/c I lost my 1st one. So I recommitted to doing the program and went straight from the therapist's office to the gym and did 5:2 min x 4 on the elliptical. I was still a bit sore from Crossfit (& swimming?) and tired.

Today: After friends over for dinner (hamburgers) I went to the gym and did a repeat of Friday's elliptical workout. I went better, and I "ran" faster. My "running" averaged 5.2mph, and the "walking" ranged between 3.2 and 3.7mph. This morning before school I also did some kettlebell: 15 2-handed overhead swings, 15 jerks ea, 10 snatches ea, 15 long cycles ea. I didn't check the time to see how long it took.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Got My Butt Kicked Today

Yep, went to Crossfit today. The warm-up alone was tougher than usual: 400m jog (or in my case, row), and 2 sets of 10 push-ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 squats, 5 pull-ups.

The workout was (including my scaling):
5 burpies
7 step-ups (each foot)
10 pull-ups (with band, kipping)
for 20 minutes.

Yeah, it doesn't look like much. I got in 6 sets and had to use both hands to lift my water bottle to my lips before I was done. My hands were shaky for 2 hours! Afterward I went to Burger King and got a Whopper and a Sprite.

Tomorrow: swimming.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Next race

I signed up to do the Tri for the Cure again this year. I may be doing a 2-mile walk after swimming and biking, but I'm doing it. M also has signed up again and has gotten several other ladies to commit too. I've told a couple of classmates about it, and one of them is interested. She just doesn't know yet what she'll have going on that weekend, so she's holding off on signing up. But she's totally cool with working out towards it at least until she figures out her plans. Tuesday we're going swimming.  Monday...I'm going to Crossfit again. 8-|  ;~)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Oops! Forgot the title!

Well, I didn't get to sleep before midnight the other night, but I did make it to bed before midnight. Next night I actually went to bed before 11 (!) but then the baby woke me up way too early. (My husband says I shouldn't call him (the baby) a "baby" anymore since he's 2 now, but he's still a baby to me. :~P )  So last night I figured I may as well stay up late, since I don't get any more sleep by going to bed early. Today I'm really tired.

So anyway...I made it to the gym Tuesday. Boy was it hot upstairs! That's where the track and ellipticals and treadmills are. The ellipticalls were full, so I found a treadmill and did a 3min "run" (walk @ 4mph--felt faster than I expected) and a 1min walk (@ 3.4mph) x 5 plus 7min warm-up and 3min cool-down. Then I did some sit-ups and push-ups, etc.

Wed: rest day

Today was really nice outside: ~75degress (20 deg above average!) I probably should've done elliptical today, but I knew it would be swealtering in the gym, so I went walking outside. I did a 4:1 minute "run"-walk ratio. I did two miles, and it took 36min (no particular wu or cd). I know I wasn't walking 4mph on the "running" part, but there was a good headwind 1/2-way through each lap around the loop. This morning before class I did some weight exercises--arms/shoulders.

I have a fitness test coming up. I can't do the run, but I can walk, so my choices are (if it is my choice) to do a 3mi timed walk or a cycle ergometry test (stationary bike w/heart rate monitor). My heart rate runs high, and I've had trouble passing the "bike test" before, so I'm leaning toward 3mi walk, but I haven't done a fast 3mi walk yet either. And I don't yet know how fast I'd need to do it. If I could get by with just doing push-ups and sit-ups, I'd get a great score! :~D

Well, I can't seem to get rid of this headache right between my eyes, so I should probably get to bed. Good Night! Happy April!