I was up early enough this morning to catch the really cool weather (supposed to have had a low of 55deg last night!) and couldn't resist going for a run...again...finally. I don't know what the temp was when I started (between 7:30 and 7:45), not cold at all, but the atmospheric conditions were such that I could see my breath, and my glasses got fogged up a bit! I did a warm-up lap, ~1.3mi, and a cool-down lap. I had ~ 1/4c yogurt and a piece of toast a little before going out. I was starting to worry about it's effect on my stomach, but it resolved by the time I finished my warm-up lap, which wasn't really quite enough of a warm-up. It took the first lap of my mile to finish warming up. I was running just a couple minutes at a time for a bit there. Managed to stretch it out, but still walked part of each running lap (4).
Afterwards, stretch, pet the dog (she gets so lonely), chocolate milk and a turkey cheese sandwich. Before getting in the shower I eeked out 15 sit-ups (nothing holding my feet) and used my KB to do shoulder presses: 7 each side (20lb).
(pink Asics, noted for tracking purposes)
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