It's been quite nice in the evenings lately, and yesterday evening it stormed for an hour. The rained lightened up quite a bit after a while, but there was still thunder and lightening. So much so that DSS's flight couldn't land and had to be re-routed to El Paso to refuel before coming back. I also didn't get to run yesterday, so I did a 15min KB workout before bed. I did swings: 1min each hand then right into 45sec each. I had to take a break to fix some Ovaltine for a kid. Then I finished the swings with 30sec and 15sec sets back to back. After another (shorter) break (the 1st one took 6 min as I had to wash out a sippy cup) I did 20 ea LC--that's all I could jerk! Maybe I could have done a few more, but not many. After another break I did 10 snatches ea hand.
This morning I had the chance to run, so I did W2D2 of the C25K program. (W2D1 was Monday). After that and the "cool down" I did some sprints. Total workout >41min, and I was beat! I slogged home, grabbed some bread & honey and some yogurt, showered and headed to work (on my bike--glad it's a short ride). At least the morning traffic was done by then. I didn't have time to finish my yogurt; in fact, it's still in the kitchen. I had a sausage biscuit after getting to work (Jimmy Dean, mini) and an orange soda--I just really wanted some sugar by then. Lunch was Kashi Mayan Harvest Bake; love me some platano!
I didn't eat quite enough today though apparently. That plus the business of work today, and I was shaky by the time I got home. Now I could fall asleep no problem, very sleepy. It's a lovely evening. The clouds are high enough for the more distant parts of the sky to still look blue. The clouds above are turning pink from the setting sun, and a bit ago I saw some of the moon too.
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