Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I *have* been working out

On Saturday I posted Friday's workout, but I didn't post Saturday's. I went for a run/walk: 3.4mi in 53min. It was good.

Monday I went out again.I was going to go to the gym, but the weather's been so nice lately that I decided I had to take advantage of being able to be outside. There was a strong wind out of the south. I've been getting so little sleep lately that I didn't even feel like running till after I'd been walking for over 40 min! What running I did, however, was mostly uphill. Totals: time 1:06:13, distance 3.89 mi. I have a new long run distance! I used the iMapMyRun app for my phone. It plotted out 5+miles but it was very ... zigzaggy, and I knew it was giving me a longer distance than I'd actually run. Once I straightened out my route, though, I was a little disappointed to lose more than a whole mile. But it was a good workout.

I need to do core work.

Diet-wise I've been muching and snacking again. And the holidays are nearly here. More cookies!
I almost signed J & me up for the local CrossFit "on ramp" course but then realized I couldn't say for certain that I'd be here for all the days. They only take 10 people at a time for that course, so if I don't make it (it *we* don't make it) that's 1 (2) other people who could have gone instead.

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