Monday, September 19, 2011

C25K W5D2

1/2mi warm-up walk. Jog 3/4mi, walk 1/4mi, jog 3/4 mi. HARD!!! The 3/4mi repeats took more than 10min each! Felt almost like puking at the end. NO cheese before running. (Usu it\'s ok given a little more time to digest it and lower effort.) I was surprised this run was so hard, Friday's went pretty well. I've been getting about 5:30min on the 1/2 miles. Biggest difference--today I ran first thing in the morning (hence the cheese) instead of in the afternoon. My fitness test will be in the morning, plus it's been harder running in the evenings b/c of cross-country and football practices. I had a headache by the end of today's run, but it didn't get worse over the course of the day. I kept hydrated and ate decently. I plan on getting to be much earlier tonight!

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